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Do you need to heal your grief to go on and achieve your goals and dreams?

Do you need to heal your grief to go on and achieve your goals and dreams?


Do you believe that you need to heal your grief before you can go on and achieve your goals and dreams?

Do you believe your grief has been blocking you reaching a certain goal?

Do you believe your grief has been blocking you achieving a dream?

Do you believe your grief has been blocking you getting into a relationship?

Do you believe your grief has been blocking you making a certain change in your life?

Until recently I would have suggested the same and thought that yes, to achieve your dreams you do need to clear your grief.

I believed that it would get in the way of where you want to go.

I have recently changed my tune on this and re-thought this belief.

Check out my video to understand why I no longer believe that you need to heal anything at all to achieve your dreams (though I still recommend healing your grief!  I just don’t believe that you have to to be able to get anywhere in life/achieve your dreams.)


Much love,

